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Expiréeplus de 2 ans
01 responsable de campagne
Date limite 09 août 2022
Salaire mensuel A négocier
Disponibilité Immédiate
Cible Homme/Femme
Type CDD
Lieu de travail Dakar
Profils recherchés
Compétences souhaitées
- extensive experience
- english
- . a good knowledge of the west &
- central africa sub-region
- similar experience
Expérience souhaitée
- Confirmé | Expérimenté
Secteur d'activité
- Humanitaire / Action sociale / Pacification
Documents à joindre
- cv
- apply online
Description du poste
You will have extensive experience of leading campaigns at the national & international level using strategic campaign methodologies & tools. A good knowledge of the West & Central Africa sub-region in which the post operates and the ability to work effectively within a varied and changing set of focus issues and countries will be required. Experience of working in a key leadership role in a complex organization and of managing people and teams is expected. The nature of this role will require excellent political judgment, the ability to spot and address both risks and opportunities and of managing conflicting demands, meeting deadlines, managing budgets and adjusting priorities. SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE: Extensive experience of leading campaigns at the national & international level through a campaigns lifecycle (issue identification, strategy development, campaign delivery, monitoring & evaluation, campaign exit and impact assessment), and using strategic campaign methodologies & tools Knowledge of the West & Central Africa sub-region in which the post operates and the ability to work effectively within a varied and changing set of focus issues and countries The ability to matrix manage cross-functional, multi-cultural, and distance project teams; Experience of working with colleagues, partners and/or rights-holders based around the world, including the global North and global South; knowledge of participatory methodologies desirable
MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES: Recruit and manage Campaigns staff, ensure staff and performance are managed effectively and talent is nurtured; Manage the development and implementation of human rights campaigns and advocacy action plans for the region in line with global and regional priorities and strategies Responsible for overall quality and timeliness of campaign plans and campaigning output from the regional office, coordinating with or seeking input from Continental or Global teams as required Manage risk assessments and oversee the implementation of security, wellbeing, health and safety procedures for staff
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