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Recherche avancée

Rechercher :: Emploi en ligne

Expiréeplus de 2 ans

01 Chargé de clientèle/ entièrement bilingue

Date limite 17 avril 2022
Salaire mensuel 100000 FCFA
Disponibilité Immédiate

Cible Homme/Femme
Type CDD
Lieu de travail Dakar

Profils recherchés

Compétences souhaitées

  • bilingue

Expérience souhaitée

  • +2 ans

Secteur d'activité

  • Enseignement / Formation professionnelle

Documents à joindre

  • your resume in english

Description du poste

IntellaSport- Intellatutor recrute 01 Chargé de clientèle/ entièrement bilingue IntellaSport- Intellatutor recruits01 Customer support (Chargé de clientèle/ entièrement bilingue) Intellatutor and Intellasport are U.S based companies specialized in providing tutoring sessions and sport activities. We are currently looking for a remote team, dynamic and hard-working. You will be in charge of administrative work mainly focusing on : Call issuance and reception Manage clients account Customer support/Customer relationship manager Sales call Scheduling


IntellaSport- Intellatutor recrute 01 Chargé de clientèle/ entièrement bilingue IntellaSport- Intellatutor recruits01 Customer support (Chargé de clientèle/ entièrement bilingue) Intellatutor and Intellasport are U.S based companies specialized in providing tutoring sessions and sport activities. We are currently looking for a remote team, dynamic and hard-working. You will be in charge of administrative work mainly focusing on : Call issuance and reception Manage clients account Customer support/Customer relationship manager Sales call Scheduling

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L'entreprise annonceur

IntellaSport- Intellatutor

Intellatutor and Intellasport are U.S based companies specialized in providing tutoring sessions and sport activities.