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Rechercher :: Emploi en ligne

Expiréeplus de 3 ans

01 Infirmière

Date limite 02 juin 2021
Salaire mensuel A négocier
Disponibilité Dès que possible

Cible Homme/Femme
Type CDI
Lieu de travail Dakar

Profils recherchés

Compétences souhaitées

  • experience as a professional nurse
  • bachelor
  • €™s degree in nursing
  • english fluent
  • proficient in the microsoft office

Expérience souhaitée

  • +2 ans

Secteur d'activité

  • Humanitaire / Action sociale / Pacification

Documents à joindre

  • cv
  • apply online

Description du poste

Experience: Two years of post-qualification work as a professional nurse is required. Education Requirements: Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing qualifying as a Registered Nurse is required. Must possess and maintain a valid nursing license or a current unrestricted Registered Nursing license from the host nation, country of origin, or the U.S. Language: Level III (Good Working Knowledge) English Language required. (This will be tested.) Skills and abilities The position requires strong interpersonal skills and a client-oriented disposition capable of dealing with complex interactive challenges in difficult and emotional situations. Must have a solid working knowledge of MED’s RN Clinical Practice Guidelines and be familiar with American Nursing Standards of Care. Must be proficient in the Microsoft Office suite of applications.


The incumbent serves as a Registered Nurse with responsibilities that include the medical care of Mission employees and eligible family members under approved clinical guidelines, as well as maintenance and inventory of all medical equipment and supplies, implementation of a vaccination program, administration of group and individual health education programs, and medical emergency contingency planning for the Mission. The incumbent will work in the Medical Unit under the direct supervision of the Regional Medical Officer or Medical Provider.

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