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Rechercher :: Emploi en ligne

Expiréeplus de 4 ans

01 Spécialiste RH

Date limite 05 septembre 2019
Salaire mensuel A négocier
Disponibilité Immédiate

Cible Homme/Femme
Type CDD
Lieu de travail Dakar

Profils recherchés

Compétences souhaitées

  • bachelor degree or above
  • experience in hr
  • admin management
  • laws and regulations
  • anglais

Expérience souhaitée

  • Confirmé | Expérimenté

Secteur d'activité

  • Autre

Documents à joindre

  • your resume
  • cover letter

Description du poste

Bachelor degree or above; At least 3 year experience in HR & Admin management; Familiar with relevant state policies, laws and regulations; Good interpersonal skills, organization and coordination skills, communication and solve complex problems skills; Passionate, optimistic with a strong sense of execution, innovation, learning ability and work under pressure


Supervise the local recruitment, employment, admission and termination related formalities to ensure the employees meet business needs and fully aligned with legal requirements. Assist with solving labor disputes and associated with legal issue, creating a positive corporate culture. Organize the activities regularly Employee data management: sort and keep all employee data including personal information, labor contract, performance evaluation records, ensure the accurate and authenticity of the personnel files. Management of fixed asset & equipment maintenance, ensure the record accuracy and generation asserts report in time. Manage employee annual leave. Responsible for office leasing and management, ensure the safety, clean and tidy of the office environment.

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L'entreprise annonceur

Carlcare Technology